
Referrals: Digital Freedom from Fax

Participating Organizations: Consensus Cloud Solutions (clarity, eFax, signal), Epic, Summit Healthcare

While rollerblading in her neighborhood, Juliette falls and breaks her arm. She visits her primary provider and discovers she needs surgery. This forces her to navigate the complex workflows of referrals and prior authorizations to get the care that she needs. It is important to Juliette that she is able to receive care from specific providers, and she expects her healthcare network to support this choice. Luckily, her providers have enabled cutting edge technology to quickly transform her documents from faxes to structured data. This structured data comes with the original document and is used to index and sort the unstructured documents directly into her chart. She experiences no delays and is seen quickly by a specialist. The Surgery Center can work with their referral partner’s fax technology while also providing structured data to their Payer, expanding their network to better serve their community. When the Surgery center can support incoming unstructured documents from Direct Secure Messaging to legacy fax technology, the structure of the document stops being a barrier, and communication flows freely to work with Juliette’s whole care community. Communication between these community partners (e.g., urgent care centers, PCP, surgery center, and insurance) are all handled efficiently, ensuring Juliette’s providers are focused on her immediate care, rather than time-consuming administrative tasks.

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